We all have our holiday traditions. Jamie makes home-made eggnog. Fox humiliates himself. It’s a lovely time of year. Yes, this is inspired by some real life conversations. >.>
Hey Fox
Winter is Coming
:: blows dust off the website :: Um… Hello? Anybody still out there? No surprise, it’s been… well quite a couple years. I’m trying though. And there’s more Hey Fox to come. I realized, as I was finishing the color[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes you ask the right question. This comic has been finished for weeks and I keep forgetting to upload it. I have no idea why. Life. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this one. Pixi’s coat, and dark[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fox is a bad influence on… ideas. I’m really kind of tickled by how Rai turned out in this comic, and Drakes pouty look in the last panel. A glimpse into the home life of some of Fox’s friends.
Fox has been… Easily distracted lately. Long time no see! Life, and more than that, work has been pretty crazy lately. Things are.. well not looking up just yet, but I am TRYING to get back on a schedule.
Plan Vs. Execution
I cursed myself with the title of this comic. “Lets make fun of how Fox makes plans but fails to execute effectively.” :: plans comic :: :: Fails absolutely to execute on the basics of… actually posting said comic! ::[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cid may have gotten more of an eyeful than he expected. Lowki doesn’t seem to mind too much. You’d think he’d be more used to stuff like that, living with Fox and Pixi…
Hey, stuff’s been a bit rough lately and I wanted to do something just for fun so… Enjoy the beach episode! It’s gratuitous, it doesn’t move the plot forward, and the writing is usually a little shoddy, BUT you do[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Beach Episode
Oh hey, Fox is still making pies… What’s he got to be nervous about? So, I was going to post this around New Years, then thought about doing a New Years comic, then didn’t have the heart for it, then[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…