Hey! Todays comic came from an actual conversation. A couple of sodas at a Jack-in-the-Box brought on an odd sort of nostalgia. Or… well whatever the negative form of nostalgia would be. 😛 I guess it’s continuing a trend from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey Fox
This is not a joke
I really like this one for two reasons. First, I think the joke works rather well. Second, and more significantly, I totally dig how Fox’s expression turned out in the last panel. In retrospect, I think this comic is heavily[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Paperwork Ninja
Anyway, first actual new comic of the new year is up right over here! I swear, my company has hired corporate ninjas. They sneak in and redouble my paperwork when I’m not looking. Beware the Koga no Corporation!
Todays comic might be one of those “you must be at least this dirty minded to ride” kind of jokes, but I like it none the less. I know it’s sort of cheap to use furry animal-based stereotyping as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In your dreams…
Hey! Welcome to another episode of Schadenfreude Fox! Er… I mean, Hey Fox. Ok, so today’s comic is NOT, repeat, NOT how reality went down. It is, however, more interesting and/or dramatic. ^.^ More to come.