Hey Fox
I thought today’s was funny when I wrote it a few weeks ago, but more and more this thread is getting difficult to follow… Help me out folks, this sucks. Laugh for me?
Today’s comic is… well it’s not like a punch-line comic, but I like when other comics do these little slice of life stuff so I figured why not, right? I know it’s not really the sort of comic I’ve been[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t know if this is actually funny to anybody that doesn’t know the people on whom this is all based, but I’m gonna run with it anyway. The source of the joke is an ex of mine who… Well[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s more than one?
This is one of those jokes that ONLY works if you’re really in with the source here. The fact that Rynn has dated a whole slew of guys that look, sound, and look a lot alike is something that I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They skew a bit darker…
Todays comic brings back that same old site. It occurs to me that some of you don’t know that there’s a sort of sub-joke here. “Pounced” is just a line that I’ve been using for effect in here, but the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you’re wondering, and it’s been a while so you might not recognize, the other character there is L.B. Hop back a couple years, and you’ll remember that we share a birthday.
Todays comic is SUPPOSED to be funny… not sure if that came across. It’s irony right? Maybe I should stick to slapstick.