Posts Tagged Cid
He’s not wrong…
Once more Fox is confronted by Phil and his… questionable advice. :: grin :: This one was really more of a sight gag, sort of centered around Fox’s expression in the last shot. Even so I like how the mouse[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Inside voice
I have to admit that I like how the details turned out in this one, though I can’t stand how Fox turned out in the second panel. Today’s comic was fun to draw… Looks like Fox is really gett’n juiced[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
BDSM is funny, right?
Todays comic is sort of a culmination of the standing jokes. And just in case it’s not clear enough, Fox pinged on Cid and Mykie as the “quiet ones.” Bit of background knowledge? I cleared this comic with them before[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Comfy warm defeat!
So yeah, Today’s comic is another one of those “based on real events” sort. Mykie’s got some great lines here and there. :: lol :: Tho I’ve gotta say I HATE how Cid turned out in the first panel and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
See today’s Comic… well it’s crap. I liked the joke, but Cid looks all kinds of stretched out in panel 2, and a bunch of details are missing in the last one… Oh, and the joke changed mid process. Kitty[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…