Posts Tagged Fox
I really like this one for two reasons. First, I think the joke works rather well. Second, and more significantly, I totally dig how Fox’s expression turned out in the last panel. In retrospect, I think this comic is heavily[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Paperwork Ninja
Anyway, first actual new comic of the new year is up right over here! I swear, my company has hired corporate ninjas. They sneak in and redouble my paperwork when I’m not looking. Beware the Koga no Corporation!
Happy New Year! This one might be a little over contemplative, but it’s not actually a downer. Or at least I hope it’s not.
Todays comic might be one of those “you must be at least this dirty minded to ride” kind of jokes, but I like it none the less. I know it’s sort of cheap to use furry animal-based stereotyping as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In your dreams…
Hey! Welcome to another episode of Schadenfreude Fox! Er… I mean, Hey Fox. Ok, so today’s comic is NOT, repeat, NOT how reality went down. It is, however, more interesting and/or dramatic. ^.^ More to come.