Happy New Year! This one might be a little over contemplative, but it’s not actually a downer. Or at least I hope it’s not.
Posts Tagged Pixi
Todays comic might be one of those “you must be at least this dirty minded to ride” kind of jokes, but I like it none the less. I know it’s sort of cheap to use furry animal-based stereotyping as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And today’s is indeed a Halloween party, though nobody came in costume this year. Still looks like fun huh? Upcoming comics will cover (sort of) what’s been going on lately…
This particular comic took WAY too long. Not because of any particular complexity (though I really like Fox’s pose in the first panel for some reason) but rather because of Alexandra. I realized, after drawing most of the comic, that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So yeah, I was feeling kind of frustrated by everything being a sex joke, but as today’s comic clearly indicates… I got over that and am just doing more sex jokes. >.> I like how this one turned out for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And this one’s on Fox… No big April Fool’s joke on the site today, but some of the girls played on on Fox. But considering last weeks comic, he probably deserved this.
Today’s comic is… Well I wasn’t totally sure I was going to post it. I like the joke, but it’s a bit crass (ok, very crass) and makes Fox out to be a total dick… Ah well, whatever it takes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Keeping in the line of comics inspired by actual events, today’s comic is as well. It’s been mentioned before, but Secret can be… a lot of fun to eat with. :: grin :: I realized, while I was coloring this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…