This one is based on… well a number of real events, all sort of rolled together. It’s a lot more wordy than my usual, how does it stand up?
Posts Tagged Pixi
New Year 2008-2009
What was supposed to be the New Year post is up now. It will be there until Thursday the 6’th when the next regular comic goes up. What was supposed to be the Christmas post just never made it I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today’s comic picks up with the whole new-apartment thing from a whiles back.. actually the next comic is pretty referential too… Damn, I AM doing the self referential humor after all… Well, I’ll try to keep the jokes to one-off[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I actually like today’s comic a lot. I don’t know why, but Mykie just came out looking better than I can usually manage. And welcome to the new apartment!
Today’s comic turned out, I think, well. I’m always a little wary of these comics that run close to actual conversations, both because I’m not sure if the things that I find funny in them are only funny to those[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Good idea / Bad idea
What we leave behind…
The comic is a sort of round-about humor. I think this one turned out to be rather funny, but it’s also sort of a litmus test of sorts…
Safety and comfort
“Multi User Upgrade”
I told ya I was trying not to do the story arc thing, but there’s two main… er.. threads going right now in the comic. The dating thing, and the last couple have been part of trying to find a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…