I totally forgot to make backgrounds for this one. Oops. Ah well, I’ve had this joke kicking around for a while. It actually came from a real conversation. :: grin :: Don’t worry tho, I’m not REALLY that bitter. ^.^
Posts Tagged Pixi
Originally this comic was going to post last week and lead to a mini-story arc about the party. I realized, however, that I didn’t really have any material for it, just the vague idea of having a mini-arc. Still, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Predation humor?
This particular comic is a bit of mild predation joking, and is oddly enough based on real events. Though that’s not quite how things happened, rather a story passed on by “Secret.” Well, not so much a story, as an[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sleeping with Fox
Todays comic went through a whole bunch of versions, in terms of the text, before I settled on this one. I didn’t really settle on this because I thought it was the best, it was just the version that I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I did something a little different with this one. I think to really get the joke you’ll have to check out the link at the bottom. Friday is the main character in a strip called F.Y.I. which is truly hilarious.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Color coordinated
So this comic is a bit of an anomaly. I usually try to avoid the cut-and-paste format in my comic, but thought that it helped with the joke here. I think it turned out fairly well, and it allowed for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…