AlexMink: She/Her. A friend by way of LB, she's the crafty type. Comics: 9 |
CidWildcat (Cheetah): They/Them. Cid and Fox have been friends since Jr. High. Now they're a programmer of some sort and one of Fox's flatmates. Comics: 156 |
GDog (Mut): He/Him. G (nobody's exacter sure what it's short for) is another old friend of Fox's. After his discharge from the Army he makes a living as an inventor / handyman. May or may not be a billionaire. Comics: 38 |
Gabrial FoxFox (Grey): He/Him. Just Fox to most, Gabe Fox is the titular character. He's kind of an idiot, but luckily, he has good friends. Comics: 737 |
Joey CastleKangaroo: He/Him. Joey is another one of Fox's friends from Jr. High. Though he fancies himself something of a ladies man, he's been known to get in trouble chasing "Cool." Comics: 21 |
KittyAnthroid (Cat-bot): She/Her. Kitty, currently running Snow Leopard, is a Artificial Life-simulating Construct from the Pear computer company, though there's something a little odd about her. Also, she's off on her own adventures over at Comics: 89 |
LodosAnthroid (pet-lion): Lodos is an adjunct intelligence, a sort of peripheral to Kitty that acts as a more traditional pet. Since Kitty has been away, Lodos has been kept, carefully, stored. Comics: 8 |
LowkiHousecat (mixed): She/Her. Lowki met Fox through their shared interest in gaming. Since her transition, she has been working as an event planner, activist, and organizer. Comics: 36 |
MeiHousecat (Siamese): She/her Former geneticist now freelance artist. Though she met Fox though a dating site, she eventually fell for Mykie, and the two of them have been together since. Comics: 56 |
MykieWildcat (Ocelot): She/Her. Mykie met Fox while Cid was dating her, and after moving into the apartment together, quickly became one of his closest friends. After moving in with Mei, she has been working largely as a contract artist for a game company. Comics: 109 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): She/Her. Pixi is a long-time friend and room mate of Fox, and occasional romantic partner. A free spirit and a bit of a wanderer in life, she does not tolerate anybody's BS... Oh, and don't call her a "bunny." She hates that. Comics: 242 |
Pwyll LlewellynCoyote: He/Him Fox's oldest friend, Pwyll has the coyote habit of seeing things for what they are and occasionally pointing them out. Comics: 26 |
SecretAvian (Phenix): She/Her A mysterious creature, in a number of ways, she met Fox at the Renaissance Faire. After a bit of a romantic spin, she has bene traveling the world collecting recipes. Comics: 59 |
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