Happy New Year!
This one might be a little over contemplative, but it’s not actually a downer. Or at least I hope it’s not.
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Drake SwyftWolf (Maned): He/Him. Drake is Rei's boyfriend and the owner/tender at the local bar where Fox likes to go for drinks. He seems to have a history with a lot of Fox's friends, though he and Fox have never been particularly close. Comics: 43 |
GDog (Mut): He/Him. G (nobody's exacter sure what it's short for) is another old friend of Fox's. After his discharge from the Army he makes a living as an inventor / handyman. May or may not be a billionaire. Comics: 38 |
Gabrial FoxFox (Grey): He/Him. Just Fox to most, Gabe Fox is the titular character. He's kind of an idiot, but luckily, he has good friends. Comics: 737 |
Joey CastleKangaroo: He/Him. Joey is another one of Fox's friends from Jr. High. Though he fancies himself something of a ladies man, he's been known to get in trouble chasing "Cool." Comics: 21 |
MeiHousecat (Siamese): She/her Former geneticist now freelance artist. Though she met Fox though a dating site, she eventually fell for Mykie, and the two of them have been together since. Comics: 56 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): She/Her. Pixi is a long-time friend and room mate of Fox, and occasional romantic partner. A free spirit and a bit of a wanderer in life, she does not tolerate anybody's BS... Oh, and don't call her a "bunny." She hates that. Comics: 242 |
Rai WhiteWildcat (white tiger): He/Him A former programmer and game designer, dear friend of Fox, and a near miss romantically, he eventually moved on to, and is happily entangled with Drake. He now helps Drake run his bar. Comics: 80 |
SecretAvian (Phenix): She/Her A mysterious creature, in a number of ways, she met Fox at the Renaissance Faire. After a bit of a romantic spin, she has bene traveling the world collecting recipes. Comics: 59 |
Drake SwyftWolf (Maned): He/Him. Drake is Rei's boyfriend and the owner/tender at the local bar where Fox likes to go for drinks. He seems to have a history with a lot of Fox's friends, though he and Fox have never been particularly close. Comics: 43 |
GDog (Mut): He/Him. G (nobody's exacter sure what it's short for) is another old friend of Fox's. After his discharge from the Army he makes a living as an inventor / handyman. May or may not be a billionaire. Comics: 38 |
Gabrial FoxFox (Grey): He/Him. Just Fox to most, Gabe Fox is the titular character. He's kind of an idiot, but luckily, he has good friends. Comics: 737 |
Joey CastleKangaroo: He/Him. Joey is another one of Fox's friends from Jr. High. Though he fancies himself something of a ladies man, he's been known to get in trouble chasing "Cool." Comics: 21 |
MeiHousecat (Siamese): She/her Former geneticist now freelance artist. Though she met Fox though a dating site, she eventually fell for Mykie, and the two of them have been together since. Comics: 56 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): She/Her. Pixi is a long-time friend and room mate of Fox, and occasional romantic partner. A free spirit and a bit of a wanderer in life, she does not tolerate anybody's BS... Oh, and don't call her a "bunny." She hates that. Comics: 242 |
Rai WhiteWildcat (white tiger): He/Him A former programmer and game designer, dear friend of Fox, and a near miss romantically, he eventually moved on to, and is happily entangled with Drake. He now helps Drake run his bar. Comics: 80 |
SecretAvian (Phenix): She/Her A mysterious creature, in a number of ways, she met Fox at the Renaissance Faire. After a bit of a romantic spin, she has bene traveling the world collecting recipes. Comics: 59 |
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