It can all be a question of perspective. Maybe it’s a one-room apartment, with a… uh.. in-room bathroom… Maybe it’s not the best neighborhood in town…

Or maybe it’s “My own place! In the city!” and maybe it’s just a colorful neighborhood with (very) friendly neighbors. (Honesty… These folk will watch your back way more then the ones with big hedges, if you ask me.)

Tristian is new in town, just settling in… But he seems to be well on his way.

Even so, who couldn’t use a care package with some home made snacks to help get comfortable?

I went back and forth a couple times while writing this one. Not so much in what is said, but how. I ended up going with him starting a phone conversation and then letting the sort of “present” vs narrative timing slip. The other thought was to do it as a written letter, but I figure he’d be more of a “I want to talk to mom” type.