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CidWildcat (Cheetah): They/Them. Cid and Fox have been friends since Jr. High. Now they're a programmer of some sort and one of Fox's flatmates. Comics: 156 |
Drake SwyftWolf (Maned): He/Him. Drake is Rei's boyfriend and the owner/tender at the local bar where Fox likes to go for drinks. He seems to have a history with a lot of Fox's friends, though he and Fox have never been particularly close. Comics: 43 |
GDog (Mut): He/Him. G (nobody's exacter sure what it's short for) is another old friend of Fox's. After his discharge from the Army he makes a living as an inventor / handyman. May or may not be a billionaire. Comics: 38 |
Gabrial FoxFox (Grey): He/Him. Just Fox to most, Gabe Fox is the titular character. He's kind of an idiot, but luckily, he has good friends. Comics: 737 |
Jamie PriceTiger: He/Him. An EMT medic who met Fox through their mutual friends Rai and Drake. They quickly grew close, and started dating. While he is a big dude, and can appear intimidating, he is deeply empathetic and does his best to be careful around others. Comics: 66 |
KittyAnthroid (Cat-bot): She/Her. Kitty, currently running Snow Leopard, is a Artificial Life-simulating Construct from the Pear computer company, though there's something a little odd about her. Also, she's off on her own adventures over at www.heykittycomic.com Comics: 89 |
MeiHousecat (Siamese): She/her Former geneticist now freelance artist. Though she met Fox though a dating site, she eventually fell for Mykie, and the two of them have been together since. Comics: 56 |
MykieWildcat (Ocelot): She/Her. Mykie met Fox while Cid was dating her, and after moving into the apartment together, quickly became one of his closest friends. After moving in with Mei, she has been working largely as a contract artist for a game company. Comics: 109 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): She/Her. Pixi is a long-time friend and room mate of Fox, and occasional romantic partner. A free spirit and a bit of a wanderer in life, she does not tolerate anybody's BS... Oh, and don't call her a "bunny." She hates that. Comics: 242 |
CidWildcat (Cheetah): They/Them. Cid and Fox have been friends since Jr. High. Now they're a programmer of some sort and one of Fox's flatmates. Comics: 156 |
Drake SwyftWolf (Maned): He/Him. Drake is Rei's boyfriend and the owner/tender at the local bar where Fox likes to go for drinks. He seems to have a history with a lot of Fox's friends, though he and Fox have never been particularly close. Comics: 43 |
GDog (Mut): He/Him. G (nobody's exacter sure what it's short for) is another old friend of Fox's. After his discharge from the Army he makes a living as an inventor / handyman. May or may not be a billionaire. Comics: 38 |
Gabrial FoxFox (Grey): He/Him. Just Fox to most, Gabe Fox is the titular character. He's kind of an idiot, but luckily, he has good friends. Comics: 737 |
Jamie PriceTiger: He/Him. An EMT medic who met Fox through their mutual friends Rai and Drake. They quickly grew close, and started dating. While he is a big dude, and can appear intimidating, he is deeply empathetic and does his best to be careful around others. Comics: 66 |
KittyAnthroid (Cat-bot): She/Her. Kitty, currently running Snow Leopard, is a Artificial Life-simulating Construct from the Pear computer company, though there's something a little odd about her. Also, she's off on her own adventures over at www.heykittycomic.com Comics: 89 |
MeiHousecat (Siamese): She/her Former geneticist now freelance artist. Though she met Fox though a dating site, she eventually fell for Mykie, and the two of them have been together since. Comics: 56 |
MykieWildcat (Ocelot): She/Her. Mykie met Fox while Cid was dating her, and after moving into the apartment together, quickly became one of his closest friends. After moving in with Mei, she has been working largely as a contract artist for a game company. Comics: 109 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): She/Her. Pixi is a long-time friend and room mate of Fox, and occasional romantic partner. A free spirit and a bit of a wanderer in life, she does not tolerate anybody's BS... Oh, and don't call her a "bunny." She hates that. Comics: 242 |
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